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Внешние ссылки главной страницы ( 12 ) | |
unenvironment.org/news-and-stories/press-release/colombia-ho... | Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, CBD Acting Executive Secretary, welcomes announcement that biodiversity will be theme of the next year’s... |
weforum.org/agenda/2019/12/what-is-agroforestry-climate-chan... | How regenerative agroforestry could solve the climate crisis |
theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/dec/20/2019-has-been-a-ye... | 2019 has been a year of climate disaster. Yet still our leaders procrastinate |
climatechangenews.com/2019/12/20/talk-climate-change-family-... | How to talk about climate change with family and friends over the holidays |
forestsnews.cifor.org/63392/peatland-restoration-efforts-key... | Innovative peatland restoration efforts key to mitigating climate change |
news.mongabay.com/2019/12/from-seeds-to-forests-how-one-man-... | From seeds to forests: How one man is growing Thailand’s future |
upi.com/Science_News/2019/12/20/385-million-year-old-tree-ro... | 385-million-year-old tree root reveals world's oldest modern forest |
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/copyright | © CBD Secretariat |
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/secretariat/executive-secretary/ | Executive Secretary |
/museum | Museum of Nature and Culture |
/secretariat/initiatives.shtml | Initiatives |
/secretariat/documents.shtml | Secretariat Documents |
/employment | Employment Opportunities |
/secretariat/business | Doing Business with the CBD |
bch.cbd.int/protocol | CARTAGENA PROTOCOL |
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/topics | TOPICS |
/action-agenda/ | ACTIONS AND IMPACTS |
cbd.int/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-118-web-en.pdf | Welcome to the new CBD Home page This website presents new ways for biodiversity stories to b... |
cbd.int/conferences/sbstta23-8j11 | SBSTTA 23 and 8(j) The Twenty-third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical ... |
cbd.int/conferences/post2020 | Preparations for the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework In 2020 the Convention on Biological Di... |
cbd.int/article/2019-12-20-16-57-49 | Biodiversity Year in Review From ground-breaking research to high-level political engagement,... |
cbd.int/doc/speech/2019/sp-2019-12-11-mountain-en.pdf | The nature that surrounds us, sustains us. Ensuring that it can continue to do so for future generations is a trust bestowed on... |
/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-119-bs-en.pdf | Composition of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment |
/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-118-web-en.pdf | Launching of the First Phase of the Newly Designed Website |
cbd.int/meetings/005934 | Third joint Aarhus Convention/CBD round table on public awareness, access to information and public participation regarding livi... |
cbd.int/meetings/CP-SEC-AHTEG-2019-01 | Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Socio-economic Considerations (Article 26 of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety... |
cbd.int/meetings/WG8J-11 | Recommendation 11/1 - In-depth dialogue on the thematic areas and other cross-cutting issues |
cbd.int/meetings/NP-MOP-03 | Decision 3/16 - Programme of work and budget (Nagoya Protocol) |
cbd.int/meetings/CP-MOP-09 | Decision 9/16 - Programme of work and budget (Cartagena Protocol) |
cbd.int/meetings/COP-14 | Decision 14/38 - Date and venue of future meetings of the Conference of the Parties |
cbd.int/meetings/SBI-02 | Recommendation 2/2 - Assessment and review of the effectiveness of the Nagoya Protocol |
cbd.int/meetings/SBSTTA-22 | Recommendation 22/9 - Conservation and sustainable use of pollinators |
cbd.int/meetings/SBSTTA-21 | Recommendation XXI/7 - New and emerging issues relating to the conservation |
cbd.int/meetings/NP-MOP-02 | Decision 2/8 - Measures to assist in capacity-building and capacity development (Article 22) |
cbd.int/meetings/GB-WS-2019-01 | Regional Training Workshop to Build Understanding and Capacity on Gender and Biodiversity Issues in South-East Asia |
cbd.int/meetings/POST2020-WS-2020-03 | Thematic Workshop on Resource Mobilization for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework |
cbd.int/meetings/005943 | Open-ended Online Forum on Risk Assessment and Risk Management |
cbd.int/meetings/IAS-AHTEG-2019-01 | Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Invasive Alien Species |
cbd.int/meetings/NP-ABSCH-IAC-2019-01 | Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House |
cbd.int/meetings/POST2020-WS-2019-09 | Thematic Workshop on Area-based Conservation Measures |
/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-115-cc-en.pdf | Submission of views on possible targets and indicators for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework related to the interlinka... |
/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-116-pa-en.pdf | Request to Identify and Submit Data on Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures |
/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-117-nbsap-en.docx | Follow-up invitation to participate in and/or contribute to the piloting and further development of a methodology for the volunt... |
/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-114-incentive-en.pdf | Tracking Economic Instruments and Finance for Biodiversity: Invitation to contribute data on positive incentives relevant to Aic... |
/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-113-marine-en.pdf | Submission of Information on Experiences in the Implementation of Marine Spatial Planning |
/doc/notifications/2019/ntf-2019-110-bs-en.pdf | Review of post-2020 Implementation Plan and Capacity-building Action Plan (Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety) |
cbd.int/doc/speech/2019/sp-2019-12-05-soil-en.pdf | Statement by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Acting Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of World So... |
cbd.int/doc/speech/2019/sp-2019-12-02-ias-en.pdf | Statement by Ms. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Acting Executive Secretary, Convention on Biological Diversity, on the occasion of the ... |
cbd.int/doc/speech/2019/sp-2019-12-01-aes-en.pdf | Statement by Ms. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Acting Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the opening of... |
cbd.int/doc/press/2019/pr-2019-12-01-sbstta-en.pdf | The Convention on Biological Diversity’s (CBD) subsidiary body on science suggested elements of the science base that will be us... |
cbd.int/doc/speech/2019/sp-2019-11-29-sbstta-en.pdf | Statement by Ms. Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Officer-in-Charge, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, at the closin... |
cbd.int/doc/articles/2019/article-2019-11-27-gender-en.pdf | A new guide now available, Addressing Gender Issues and Actions in Biodiversity Objectives, provides biodiversity professionals ... |
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/article/2019-12-20-16-57-49 | Biodiversity Year in Review Five Moments that Made a Difference for Biodiversity 1. IPBES Globa... |
/article/2019-11-26-14-57-50 | Nominations open for The MIDORI Prize for Biodiversity 2020 The MIDORI Prize is a biennial international... |
/article/business-women-youth-and-other-stakeholders-2019-09... | Global agreements safeguard nature and secure our future With a focus on the potential elements and stru... |
/article/food-2019-12-11-16-49-46 | Agriculture must be part of the solution, not the problem Agriculture and biodiversity have been inextri... |
/article/2019-11-25-18-24-08 | Twenty-third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, (25 - 29 November 2019, Montreal,... |
/article/food-2018-11-27-09-39-11 | Food systems depend on biodiversity and ecosystem services Food systems depend on biodiversity and the e... |
/article/business-women-youth-and-other-stakeholders-2019-11... | Addressing gender-based differences accelerates biodiversity progress By applying a “gender lens” – or a... |
/article/2019-11-15-22-12-40 | The European Business and Nature Summit: A Discussion on Biodiversity and Business The European Business... |
/article/naturebasedsolutions | Solutions to our global water challenges can be found in nature Planting trees to replenish forests, rec... |
/secretariat/executive-secretary | - |
/agricultural | Agricultural Biodiversity |
/drylands | Dry and Sub-humid Land Biodiversity |
/forests | Forest Biodiversity |
/waters | Inland Waters Biodiversity |
/islands | Island Biodiversity |
/marine | Marine and Coastal Biodiversity |
/mountains | Mountain Biodiversity |
/strategy/targets | Aichi Biodiversity Targets |
/access-benefit-sharing | Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing |
/culture | Biological and Cultural Diversity |
/development | Biodiversity for Development |
/capacity-building | Capacity-building |
/climate | Climate Change and Biodiversity |
/cepa | Communication, Education and Public Awareness |
/dsi-gr | Digital sequence information on genetic resources |
/incentives | Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures |
/ecosystem | Ecosystem Approach |
/restoration | Ecosystem Restoration |
/gender | Gender and Biodiversity |
/plantconservation | Global Strategy for Plant Conservation |
/taxonomy | Global Taxonomy Initiative |
/health | Health & Biodiversity |
/assessment | Impact Assessment |
/programmes/identification-monitoring-indicators-and-assessm... | Identification, Monitoring, Indicators and Assessments |
/invasive | Invasive Alien Species |
/liaility | Liability and Redress - Article 14.2 |
/emerging-issues | New & Emerging Issues |
/peace | Peace and Biodiversity Dialogue Initiative |
/protected-areas | Protected Areas |
/sustainableuse | Sustainable Use of Biodiversity |
/wildlife | Sustainable Wildlife Management |
/tech-sci-cooperation | Technical and Scientific Cooperation |
/tech-transfer | Technology Transfer |
/tourism | Tourism and Biodiversity |
/traditionalknowledge | Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j) |
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bch.cbd.int/ | Biosafety Clearing-House |
/contributions | Contributions |
cbd.int/countries/ | Country Profiles |
/meetings/ | Meetings and Events |
/nbsap | National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) |
/nfp | National Focal Points |
/reports | National Reports |
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/notifications/ | Notifications |
/parties | Parties |
/publications | Publications |
/topics/business-women-youth-and-other-stakeholders | Business, Women, Youth and other Stakeholders |
/topics/climate-change | Climate Change |
/topics/poverty-reduction | Poverty Reduction |
/topics/food | Food |
/topics/water | Water |
domain: CBD.INT
organisation: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
address: 413 St. Jacques Street W.
address: Suite 800
address: Montreal Quebec H2Y 1N9
address: Canada
contact: administrative
name: Olivier de Munck
organisation: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
address: 413 St. Jacques Street W.
address: Suite 800
address: Montreal Quebec H2Y 1N9
address: Canada
phone: +1 514 288 2220
fax-no: +1 514 288 6588
e-mail: olivier.demunck@cbd.int
contact: technical
name: Frédéric Vogel
organisation: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
address: 413 St. Jacques Street W.
address: Suite 800
address: Montreal Quebec H2Y 1N9
address: Canada
phone: +1 514 288 2220
fax-no: +1 514 288 6588
e-mail: frederic.vogel@cbd.int
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