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nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/2019/kremer/lecture/ | Kremer’s lecture |
wbj.pl/study-politicians-tv-debates-do-not-affect-election-r... | Study: Politicians' TV debates do not affect election results |
itemonline.com/news/local_news/health-care-deserts/article_c... | Health Care Deserts |
usatoday.com/story/news/2019/12/27/worried-abortion-laws-mor... | Worried about abortion laws? Catholic hospital mergers also seen as threat to women's ... |
washingtonpost.com/opinions/there-are-stark-racial-dispariti... | There are stark racial disparities in voting times. Here's how to fix them. |
marketwatch.com/story/these-cities-have-the-strictest-regula... | These cities have the toughest laws for home builders - and the highest property prices |
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